All this time at the zoo
now I’m acting like an animal too.
Getting possessed by the spirit of the jaguar at night
Passion is much like love in the principle of application
Since passion is the dignified reason that
Gives Existence Meaning.
Music, art, dance, together with each and every expression, is a lucid outburst
of pure, sweet, passion.
Why do our everyday routine?
Why be studious in the manner of excelling and
reaching personal goals? If not done with passion, why do it at all?
The answer lies immersed within us.
But the amount of excitement and affection is evident just by the way we devote ourselves.
Passion is the heartbeat of love.
It’s what makes a love so irresistibly potent,
The completed equation that solves for loving ourselves.
The quantum leap from creation to creator.
I have fallen deeply in love with the details of each and every thing that surrounds me, I obsessively look for patterns in floorboards and leaves in the trees. I look at people as if I had just gained my vision after being blind my entire life.
Through this insatiable curiosity I came to the epiphany, we are taught the opposite.
We think too much and Feel too Little
My mission is to break down this barrier and make people feel as intensely as I do.
Throughout the course of time, many different analogies have been made of
Love and Lust.
Through, metaphysics, psychology, and biochemistry.
However, love is far more than just oxytocin and dopamine being secreted from the Hypothalamus.
It is the purest expression of neuroscience
And the deepest understanding of another soul.
When I love I am the Universe Discovering Itself
In the final analysis, regardless of one’s gender or sexual
Orientation, all men, and women at one point will have loved another.
It is raw human nature,
To love and be loved.
And Art is Child’s Play for the Immaculate
- © 2022 Isabella Endémica ISAVIBE
Love this! Thanks Isavibe for bringing us closer to our self Xpressions!